Can You Bring An Electric Massage Gun On A Plane?

Last Updated on March 15, 2023

Key Takeaways

  • The TSA recommends that passengers pack massage guns in checked luggage rather than carry-on luggage
  • Massage guns are not prohibited from carry-on luggage but they may trigger an alarm and require inspection at airport security
  • The final decision rests with theTSA agent who inspects your luggage
  • Heavy massage guns that could be used as a bludgeon may not be permitted through airport security and into the airplane cabin
  • Electric massage guns with installed lithium-ion batteries are permitted to be packed in checked baggage
  • When packing a massage gun in checked luggage use a carrying case or other means to prevent unintentional activation which is a fire risk
  • Any loose lithium batteries for massagers are not permitted to be packed in checked luggage

TSA Massager Rules

The Transportation Security Administration has this to say about bring massagers on to planes:

All seems good so far…

But this rule doesn’t specifically mention massage guns. So I checked on Twitter to see if the TSA had answered a more specific question.

Packing Massage Guns In Carry-On Luggage

Emz had already asked the TSA about bringing a masssage gun in her hand luggage:

The TSA actually recommended to Emz that she packed her massage gun in checked luggage:

So what’s going on here?

If you do decide to pack your massage gun in your carry-on bag understand that there is a risk that it might not be permitted to pass security. The TSA officer who inspects your luggage will make the decision.

Smaller lightweight massage guns are unlikely to be a problem.

Heavier massage guns that could be used as a bludgeon will probably not make it through the airport security checkpoint. This rule is based on the same reason you can’t bring a baseball bat on a plane. Anything you can use to whack people over the head could be considered to be a weapon by the TSA and prohibited for security reasons.

This wasn’t an isolated response. The TSA repeated advises passengers to pack massage guns in checked bags. They seem to use a copy and paste response like this:

“Massage guns aren’t specifically mentioned on our prohibited items list for carry-on bags. However, we recommend placing them in checked bags as the size or weight would determine if it’s allowed through the security checkpoint.” – @AskTSA On Twitter

While there is no such thing as a TSA-approved massage gun a portable lightweight model like the one picture above will be much less likely to be considered a potential bludgeon.

Also, keep in mind that if you are flying internationally some airlines have weight limits for carry-on bags and heavy items like a massage gun could push you over your airlines weight limit. If you are going to be traveling a lot and using a massage gun to relieve stress and tension then a portable massage gun might be a good idea.

Use a luggage scale to make sure you don’t end up with an unexpected charge.

Packing Massage Guns In Checked Luggage

You can pack a massage gun without a battery or with an installed battery in checked baggage.

What you can’t do if pack a loose lithium-ion battery for a massager in checked luggage. All loose lithium batteries must be packed in hand luggage because of the fire risk.

If you do pack your massage gun in a checked bag make sure that it’s in a carrying case to prevent unintentional activation which is also a fire risk.

Checked luggage usually has weight restrictions so be careful that packing a massage gun in your checked bag doesn’t make your suitcase overweight.

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